Join As An Angel Investor
For only R100 per month
Arts Capital would like to give you the opportunity to adopt an artist and in so doing, contribute to the betterment of the economic and social circumstances of such an artist. This will ensure that our artists start enjoying a more positive career and a better life as they continue to create enjoyment and entertainment for us.
You can choose your artist or allow Arts Capital to select an artist of their choice.

Join As A Service Provider
For only 1 hour per month
Your Call To Action
Arts Capital is looking to expand it's network of various professional services, including General Practitioners, Dentists, Physiotherapists, Psychologists, Lawyers, Financial Advisors, Labour Consultants etc.
The Network is based on agreements between Arts Capital and the specific professional. The professional offers an hour per month of their time to an artist at no cost. This will be done in a very systematic way by which the artist redeems a voucher with Arts Capital to consult to a professional. We will be in charge of these appointments and will assure the membership authenticity.